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Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

What We Do
The mission of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to enrich the student experience at Christ the King Catholic School. To achieve this, we build relationships within the school and community, volunteer our time at the school and in the classroom, and support and organize programs and activities.


How Do Fundraising and Donations Help?
Fundraising and donations are used to support enrichment goals established by the PTO Board. Specific goals change from year to year but generally fall into the following categories:

Educational Enrichment
Building School and Community Relationships
School Expenditures


CTK PTO supports learning through student engagement and fun!



Parent-Teacher Organized Events


Book Fair 

The PTO helps organize, sell items, and promote our school’s Book Fair to benefit our Library.  The sale occurs every September and either April or May and coordinates as an activity when the school welcomes grandparents and honorary grandparents during Grandparent Days.


Grandparent Days

The PTO facilitates the activities during a three-day celebration of our student’s grandparents and honorary grandparents.  The event includes a breakfast, visit with students, and chance to shop the Book Fair.  The school holds the visiting days during the month of September.​


Tents, Trunks, & Treats 

The PTO sponsors, coordinates, and promotes a social event for our school and parish community by providing a safe Halloween celebratory event featuring trick-or-treating, costume contests, and other activities for families.


Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week is a national event highlighting the benefits of a Catholic learning environment. The PTO helps plan, coordinate, serve, and promote the activities associated with the week’s celebrations.


Pancake Brunch

On the Sunday leading into Catholic Schools Week the PTO hosts a parish event to serve a brunch in conjunction with a Children’s Mass that also serves as a fundraiser.

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